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How do Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’s view differ?


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John Locke and Thomas Hobbes both had strong opinions on human nature, but their views notably differed in terms of their perception of people’s self-interest, their views on the role of government, and the significance of natural law.

Subtopic 1

John Locke saw human beings as self-interested creatures who appreciate the rights to life and liberty.


Locke argued that people in the state of nature develop a shared sense of morality, which prevent them from harming one another. Moreover, he believed that to ensure those rights each person was responsible for protecting the rights of others, and in return, would have his or her own rights preserved.

Subtopic 2

Hobbes conceptualized man in a state of nature as being self-interested, egoistic and constantly in a state of competition with one another.


Hobbes believed that mankind in the state of nature would remain in a “war of all against all” unless an authority is imposed to establish laws in order to guarantee safety to individuals.

Subtopic 3

While Hobbes argued that governments should take absolute power and authority over citizens, Locke argued for the opposite.


Locke believed in the idea of limited government, one that respects the people’s right to property and abides by the fundamental laws of nature. In addition, Locke attributed a greater importance to natural law than Hobbes, believing that one should follow the principles of freedom and mutual respect.


Although both Locke and Hobbes offer compelling arguments on human nature and the state, the two philosophers’ views have fundamental discrepancies.

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